Business Private

Panettone with raisins and candied fruit

Total time
2 Hours 50 Minutes
Baking/cooking time
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
40 Minutes
Rest time
2 Hours 30 Minutes


Ingredients 2 x 500g

500 g Mix Panettone
200 g water (16-17°C)
160 g butter, room temperature
6 yolks, from the fridge (100 g)
1 tablespoons honey
200 g sultanas
150 g candied fruit


  1. Knead the mixture, water, honey, vanilla and orange zest with the dough hook for 5 min. on medium speed. Mix in the egg yolk and knead on medium speed for 4 mins, then on fast speed for 2 mins. Then add the butter and knead for 3 min. on medium speed, then 1 min. on fast speed or until a homogeneous dough is formed. Finally, add the sultanas and candied fruit and knead everything for 3 min. on medium speed. 
  2. Fold the dough a few times and let it rest, covered, at 24°C for about 30 min. Divide the dough in half, form two balls and place in the paper sleeves. Cover and leave to rise for approx. 2 hours until the dough is over the edge of the sleeve. Engrave the surface with a sharp blade and place a piece of butter in the centre.
  3.  Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C top/bottom heat for approx. 45 minutes. 

IMPORTANT: As soon as the panettone is taken out of the oven, it must be hung upside down so that the panettone does not collapse when it cools. Professional cooling skewers are suitable for this.

Mix Panettone
Una raffinata miscela per creare i tipici dolci delle festività: il Panettone natalizio. Il lievito madre, ottenuto dalla migliore farina di grano tenero, conferisce a questi dolci il loro inconfondibile aroma. Cuocere il Panettone in casa può essere una vera sfida, ma con questa miscela del Molino Merano si va sul sicuro. Provatelo e sorprendete i vostri cari con una specialità italiana fatta in casa - ne saranno entusiasti! Il preparato contiene, oltre alla miscela per l'impasto, anche la ricetta esatta e la tipica forma di carta. Per il panettone: aggiungere acqua, 1 cucchiaio di miele, vaniglia e buccia d'arancia a piacere, oltre a 5 tuorli d'uovo, 160 g di burro e 200 g di uva passa.

500 g
